Poukaz na pár bot na zakázku / Voucher for a custom pair of shoes

19 400Kč
Jméno příjemce / Name of the beneficiary :
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Jedinečným dárkem pro milovníky bot nebo umění je darovat originální umělecké dílo k nošení, pár nadčasových bot.

Obdarovaný si může vybrat z mého katalogu pánské a dámské obuvi a v mém ateliéru můžeme probrat například varianty barevných kombinací dle přání klienta nebo různé detaily jako je tvar špice od zaoblené po špičatější.

Pro správnou konfekci obuvi jsou nutné 2 schůzky v mém ateliéru v Praze. Za prvé pro diskuzi o zvoleném modelu a měření nohou a za druhé pro zkoušku správné velikosti nebo jiných detailů.

Všechny moje boty jsou ručně vyráběny z prémiové italské a české pravé kůže, proto je doba zhotovení minimálně jeden měsíc v závislosti na pořadníku.
  • Platnost poukazu je jeden rok, počítáno ode dne zakoupení.
  • V ceně jsou také iniciály natištěné na botě.
  • Poukaz je možné vyzvednout osobně v mém showroomu v Praze, zaslat zdarma na Vaši adresu nebo mě v případě potřeby kontaktovat rychleji ve formátu PDF na Váš e-mail.
  • Záruka 2 roky dle podmínek.
  • Nezapomeňte prosím napsat jméno příjemce, které bude uvedeno na voucheru.
  • Pokud voucher nepotřebujete a chtěli byste boty pro sebe, kontaktujte mě a domluvíme si schůzku.

A unique present for shoe or art lovers is to give an original piece of art for wearing, a pair of timeless shoes.
The beneficiary can choose from my catalog of men's and women shoes and in my atelier, we can discuss, for example, variants of color combinations according to the client's wish or different details like the shape of the point from rounded to more pointy.
For a correct confection of the shoes is necessary 2 appointments in my atelier in Prague. First for discussing the model chosen and measurement of the feet, and second for a trial to correct size or other details.
All my shoes are handcrafted using premium Italian and Czech genuine leather, which is why the time of confection is a minimum of one month depending on the waiting list.
  • The validity of the voucher is one year, counting from the day it was bought.
  • As well in the price is included the initials printed on the shoe.
  • The voucher can be picked up personally in my showroom in Prague, sent for free to your address or contact me if you need it in a faster way in PDF form to your e-mail.
  • Warranty of 2 years depending of conditions.
  • Please dont forget to write the name of the beneficiary which will appear in the voucher.
  • If you dont need a voucher and would like a pair of shoes for yourself contact me for an appointment.


Poukaz na pár bot na zakázku / Voucher for a custom pair of shoes


Made-to-order shoes in Prague

In love with leather

Learn more about the material I love.


Learn how to make your own shoes or bag in Prague.

“Kožené boty s ekvádorským šmrncem.

 Mladý designér vzkřísil v Praze rodinnou tradici” Hospodářské Noviny.

“Leather shoes and bags with Ecuadorian roots. 

A young designer resurrected a family tradition in Prague”

“The Ecuadorian designer found inspiration in Moravian folklore and Czech Cubism. Sewing classic shoes is boring for me, says Fernando Echeverria” Czechdesign.

Family tradition since 1930:

My roots come from a town named Cotacachi, in the Andes of Ecuador. That small city in the middle of the mountains and lakes is specialized in leather crafts, a tradition brought from South of Spain. 
My father and grandfather were saddlers developing their unique techniques and following the tradition of leather crafters. 
For my parents, It was a surprise that I would not be a doctor or engineer but a designer specializing in leather. Leather is in my blood. 

Footwear as art :

Why do you use traditional shoemaking techniques?

It’s very important for me to revive shoemaking. Most shoemakers in Prague and Europe are great, they are craftsmen. But it is extremely difficult to change their minds.

They have a clear idea in their head of how a shoe can be made and what it should look like. Such a shoe is technically perfect. But as a designer, I need to innovate, discover new ways and break the rules. For others, I may be weird that I make weird shoes and I don’t follow the rules.

Copyright © 2024 Fernando Echeverria


Showroom & Shop :

Wednesday – Friday

13:00 – 19:00 


11:00 – 18:00

Atelier and Personal meeting : 

Under appointment




Smetanovo nábř. 334/4 first floor (SmetanaQ Showroom )

110 00 , Prague, Czech Republic. 


+420 777647925

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